Goals & Purpose
Our goals, purpose and mission here at HALE PARFUM go way beyond the ideas or reputation for being known as a well recognized fragrance perfume house. Here at haleparfum.com our perfumer Spice Ray Prince is solely focused on creating the awareness of raising your spritual vibration through the use of high quality natural fragrance parfums along with a proper natural diet, all natural herbal regime and daily meditation practices. This will also include educating fragrance enthusiasts about the wide array of harmful affects of chemical scents vs the positive uses of all natural fragrances.
As we grow with our all natural artisan created parfums, each fragrance will come into existence through their own means of inspiration and a percentage of their sales will go towards supporting that particular fragrances themed inspiration by donating to such positive causes such as gifting children specific things to inspire, helping struggling mothers in need or even financial contributions towards helping to save cultures and their tribal lands or wildlife conservation as for example. And on another positive note, the more our parfum collections grow into existence here at HALE PARFUM the more we will joyfully be able to support the passions of both farmers and distillers for the needed materials for our exquisite all natural parfums to come.
We ask you to please research the true history of perfuming and its time line of use and creation. Majority of literature claim it to be only 5,000 years old but we here at HALE PARFUM feel that its much older.....possibly closer to 60,000 years old. And if you look at the original purpose for wearing parfums, fragrances and even the smoke of specific incense, it was to honor and enhance the connection to the divine. This historical mindset with perfume later fell towards wearing fragrances for the purpose of raising your vibration and to connect you with Demigods, Diety, the Divine and God the creator. As time passed, we lost that connection and fragrance begin to shift towards wearing it to mask the fowl odors of unclean hygiene and then fell into todays main focus of wearing synthetic scents which are mostly worn to attract the likes of a sexual partner.
This modern day loss of spiritual connection, is why Spice Prince has dedicated his life to helping others achieve a higher vibratory existence both physically and spiritually and is why our main goal to achieve here at HALE PARFUM is to connect people to a deeper place with themselves spiritually through the wearing of our frangrance parfums incorporated with daily spiritual maintenance through proper diet, herbs and meditation.
You will love the our parfums and the quality. We are so excited to share them with you!